Wednesday, October 28, 2015

SC15 Releases Short Video on How HPC is Impacting Personalized Medical Treatments Especially in Children with Epilepsy

SC15 recently released this short video about how high performance computing (HPC) is making a difference in personalizing medical treatments as described by Dr. Chris R. Johnson, Founding Director of the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute.

One specific example he cites is the amazing impact HPC is having on children with epilepsy. According to Dr. Johnson, 15% or more of children with epilepsy cannot be treated effectively with current epilepsy drugs.  Thus, the only recourse for giving them a more normal life is via surgery.

Through the use of patient specific high resolution computer models of a child’s head the surgery is much more precise and less traumatic in part thru the use of high performance imaging and visualization.  The end result is a much higher quality of life for the child.

This is another chapter in a series of short videos focusing on why HPC is important and of critical value to society. It is part of a three-year SC "HPC Matters" campaign.  Click here to view the entire HPC Matters video library.

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