Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Call for Interest in SC Leadership Roles

SC18 Conference General Chair
Nominations for the SC18 General Chair are now open and will close on June 9, 2015. To nominate someone, or to nominate yourself, for the general Chair position, send an email giving the candidate’s name, a short paragraph describing how the candidate meets the following criteria, and a recent curriculum vitae (CV) that highlights professional and SC experience.
  • Experience managing large, complex projects in which the people executing the project do not all report directly to the manager
  • SC or equivalent experience, for example, head of two or more previous committees
  • Visionary in our community
  • Able to set strategic direction (and delegate its execution)
  • Willing and able to make the conference her/his top priority for the year of the conference
  • Experience managing a multimillion dollar budget

Member of the SC Steering Committee
Nominations for two openings on the SC Steering committee are now open and will close on  September 8, 2015. To nominate someone, or to nominate yourself, for a position on the Steering Committee, send an email giving the candidate¹s name, a short paragraph describing how the candidate meets the following criteria, and a recent curriculum vitae (CV) that highlights professional and SC experience.
  • Visionary in our community
  • Familiarity with, and passion for, the SC conference
  • Willingness to be an active and engaged advocate for the SC Conference community
  • Willing and able to commit time to attend three one-day in-person meetings and monthly one-hour teleconferences.
Please send nominations for either position to nominations@info.supercomputing.org.